Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Might Need A Redesign

In prior blog posts, we addressed a need for keeping your website software up to date. But many organizations should also take a moment to consider whether they actually need to rethink their approach to what their website goals and needs are. This article asks 10 questions that would lead you to properly evaluating your website strategy.

1. Is your site mobile friendly?

There has been an increase of 50% over the last year in mobile device searches, which means that if your website isn't responsive then you aren't going to be getting the attention your site deserves and you are probably losing customers. 23% of organic traffic to websites now originate from Android or iPhone devices while 12% comes from tablets. Having a responsive website not only makes you look professional, but helps increase your SEO. Google's Pierre Farr went on the record to declare that Google prefers responsive web design over mobile templates. Having one single URL makes it easier for responsive sites typically perform better and are easier to maintain than a separate, mobile-template site.

2. Is it simple and clear what you’re offering?

It shouldn't take more than a few seconds for you visitors to know what the core of your business is. If they don't get it quickly and easily, they will simply leave.This is the most basic tip and is usually forgotten or overlooked. People just want the basic facts and they want it easily found, so don't make them go searching for it. If they have to put too much work into getting your product, they will move on.

3. Does it show your unique added value?

What makes you different and better than anyone else and why should your prospective client get it from you? Yes, it is important to show your visitors what you do, but the second most important objective is to show them what you can do FOR them. You need to tell your prospective client what your company actually stands for and why that makes you different.

4. Do you want to vamp up your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Of course you want to vamp up your SEO, it is an ever changing world! If you're trying to rebrand or if your company began heading in a different direction of focus, then this should probably be one of your main focuses when you redesign your website. Your business definitely needs to have an SEO strategy in place if you are interested in succeeding in terms of online marketing; it remains one of the single most important components of any organization’s branding efforts and online presence.

5. Are you getting the results you want from your website?

If not, then it's probably time to hire someone to help you get the results you want. This comes with many different options. Do you want better Google rankings? Do you want to expand your customer base? Do you want more people to buy your product? Are you trying to rebrand your company? Knowing the answers to these, and many more, questions will help make sure that you are getting all that you want from your website.

6. Do you want to incorporate a better content strategy?

Now I know what you're thinking "Isn't this just my SEO?" But it's more than that. In today's fast-paced world you only have seconds to make a good online impression. Your site needs to have the content needed to help your visitor get answers to the questions they have. You also need to educate and move them along the decision process. It's more than just getting found, you have to have the whole package to succeed.

7. Does your site look amateurish and/or are parts of it broken?

Recent studies have shown that within the first 3 seconds someone has already made an opinion about your company just from the website. This is the first impression to nearly 70% of all new customers and a poorly created site will turn away business.

8. Is there a call to action? (Does the site ask viewers to do anything?)

This may sounds silly, but if you don't tell them what to do, they won't know how to get your product. If you don't have it spelled out for the customer, they will move on to a more user-friendly website. This doesn't mean that your site's content should consist only one link that says "CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW!". However, it should be on your site somewhere and the rest of the site should lead you to that action.

9. Do you know when the last time was that you completely overhauled your site?

If not, then it's probably time to do so. Keeping up with technology and web marketing trends will not only boost your company's online presence, but it will also help turn prospects in to customers. And simple, clean, and user-friendly website can improve traffic to your company’s website.

10. Do search engines even know you exist?

If you are virtually nowhere on search engines, then it may be time for a new website to help boost your SEO and search engine visits. Since most people will find you through a Google search than directly typing in your URL (for most websites), playing nice with search engines so that they will find you and put you in their results will go a long way with getting visitors to come to your site. It is up to you to make your visitors stay, however, through fresh content and a nice looking site.

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